2023-24 Season: B14 Travel (NAme TBD)

Congratulations on being selected to join Albertson Soccer Club for the 2023-24 seasonal year!
As part of the registration process, we want to ensure that you understand the obligations and commitments associated with accepting a position. Please review the information below carefully before clicking the link to complete registration.

Registration Invitation: B14 Travel (name TBD)

Your son is one of a select few that have been invited to join our prestigious program. ASC has produced more than 40 players that have represented the United States National Teams, dozens of professional players, and countless college athletes. Now it's time for your son to create their history in one of the top clubs in the Northeast!

As a member of a Travel package team, your son will be participating in LIJSL and LI Cup. At the coach's discretion the team may also add additional tournaments. Those extra activities will be an additional expense.

Team Details & Key Contacts

Age Group = u10
Eligibility = Boys born in 2014
New Head Coach: TBD |Email: TBD | Tel #: TBD
ASC Boys Director of Coaching: Marcelo Arango | marcelosoccer7@aol.com | Tel #:516-939-3356
ASC Operations Manager: Robin Lee | rlee@albertsonsoccer.com | 516-835-4324

Package Inclusions: Boys Travel

√ Professional Coaching and Training *
√  Training and game fields
√  Player Insurance
√  Team Primary League Registration and Player Pass applications
√  Goalkeeper Training
√  Club Administration

* training package is 2x per week in Fall and Spring

Package Exclusions: Boys Travel

* Uniforms
* Additional League / Cups / Tournaments beyond the package inclusion - these are optional extras
* Referee fees
* Veo camera subscription

Financial Commitment

(a) Club Registration = $450
- due within 48 hours of invite
- split into 2 installments with 50% due upon completion of registration and 50% processed by automated billing on 08/01/2023

(b) SUSA Academy Training Contract = $850
- instructions will be sent upon completion of Club Registration
- split into deposit + 3 installments of $212.50 each
- initial deposit of $212.50 is due to initiate the Training Contract
- remaining 3 installments will be processed by automated billing in September and November 2023 and January and March 2024.

(c) Team Incidentals Budget
Sections (a) and (b) above are determined by age group and competitive level of team. Any events added to the schedule (e.g. additional tournaments above your package allowance) will be determined by the Coach and will incur an additional cost. Such events as additional tournaments and winter leagues are all additional expenses and are the responsibility of all players on the team. A projected budget for these incidental fees will be sent to the team prior to the beginning of the season. The Team Admin will collect the fees to be distributed as needed.

(d) Uniforms
Uniform costs are not included in sections (a) or (b) above. Uniforms are ordered from SoccerZoneUSA.com. Requirements vary by the age group and competitive level of the team. Optional items and fan items are also available to all players and families. See below section for more information on uniform ordering. 

Registration process & Financial Policies

To secure your son's place on the roster please register and deposit using the link below. It is a private link for B14 Travel (Name TBD) that will only be shared with invited players. Your place will not be held after 48 hours so please complete your registration swiftly. If not completed after that deadline the roster spot will be offered to a player on the alternate list:


Payments are made by credit card and can be made in full or split into 2 installments. Registration fees must be paid in full by August 1st, 2023.
Log in to Got Sport using the email address your invite was sent to in order to avoid creating a duplicate account / player profile. If you don’t know your Got Sport password simply use the reset function.

If required Got Sport will prompt you to upload proof of birth and a photo as you complete the registration process. Proof of birth can be either a birth certificate or passport copy. Photos are for player passes so must be head shots and not full body pictures.

Once you have completed Albertson Soccer Club registration you will receive instructions to initiate your training contract with SUSA Academy. This is a separate process and payment and is independent of the Albertson SC platform. All families will need to create a new account in the DEMOSPHERE system used by SUSA Academy. The link provided by SUSA Academy will be unique to Albertson SC B14 Travel (Name TBD). Your Registration is NOT complete until you have completed a SUSA training contract. SUSA Academy offers pay in full or installment plans. Select the option that works best for your family. You will not be eligible to begin practice, nor will the club secure player passes for game participation until both your Club Registration and SUSA Training Contract initiation has been completed.

Albertson SC Club Registration and SUSA Academy Training Contracts are ANNUAL FEES. All paymetns are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. If you decide to leave the club at any time during the 2023/24 season you are responsible for the full annual fees.
All past due payments and failed automated billing credit card transactions are subject to a $25 fee.

Uniform ordering

The club is entering a new uniform cycle for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 soccer years. That means all player must order new uniforms for the coming season. Links to purchase from our supplier SoccerZoneUSA will be sent as soon as the store is open (around July 1st, 2023). Do not order any uniforms until you receive your custom link from SoccerZone.

The registration process includes a uniform number request question. All efforts will be made to honor requests. Returning players will receive precedence over new players if there are multiple requests for the same number. If 2 new players request the same number precedence will be given to the player with the earliest date of registration.

Club Policies

Game Day Arrival: Arrive at game field 45 mins prior to the scheduled kick off time (unless otherwise instructed by your Coach).

Home Game Colors: Teams wear RED at home. Players must also bring Blue shirt, shorts and socks in case of color clash with opponent

Away Game Colors: Teams wear BLUE on the road unless otherwise instructed by the home club, Players must also bring Red uniform in case of color clash

Player Attendance and Participation: Regular and consistent player attendance and participation is essential to ensuring the development of the individual player and team. If your child is unable to attend a scheduled match or training session, please inform your coach via Team Snap immediately. Failure to do so may result in reduced or NO playing time. We ask that your child attend our club activities when in conflict with other activities. This policy is simply intended to provide stability and predictability for our training and competition environment.

Playing Time: There is NO guarantee of playing time in any game or tournament regardless of whether the competition requires overnight hotel stay or even plane travel. This is at the coach's discretion. If you are unsure what to expect in regard to your child's playing time, it is encouraged that you speak with the assigned Albertson SC staff coach.

Travel: For games and tournaments requiring an overnight stay, all players are required to stay in the team's designated hotel, wear Albertson SC apparel and athletic attire only, be in his/her own hotel room by curfew, arrive at the destination as determined by the coach. Be available for team meeting(s) and abide by nutritional guidelines.

48 Hours Cooling Off: No parents may approach the Albertson SC coach before, during or after a game or practice to discuss any issues (personal or otherwise), unless previously agreed to by the trainer or coach. THERE IS A REQUIRED 48 HOUR COOLING OFF PERIOD IMPOSED AND MANDATED AFTER ANY GAME, PRACTICE, SCRIMMAGE OR TOURNAMENT.

Procedure for Communicating Concerns: After the cooling-off period has lapsed, the parent or player may email the assigned Albertson SC Operations Manager and / or head coach (and cc: the DOC) specifying the particular complaint/concern, what form of redress they are requesting and the best possible time to contact the parent back for a more thorough discussion

Zero Tolerance Program: Parents, Players & Family members will abide by the Albertson Travel Program Zero Tolerance Policy. By paying the registration fee and registering you are accepting the policy and acknowledging it (https://albertsonsoccer.com/code-of-conduct/)

Parent Code of Conduct: Parents will abide by Albertson SC. Parent Code of Conduct. By paying the registration fee and registering  you are accepting the policy and acknowledging it (https://albertsonsoccer.com/code-of-conduct/)

Social Media: All Albertson Soccer Club members (Parents, Players, & Staff) must follow ASC Social Media Policy

Guest Playing: Albertson SC does not believe that "guest playing" outside of our club serves the best interests of our players or the integrity of our club culture. Accordingly, Albertson SC does not give consent for Albertson SC players to guest play for any outside team or club.

Participation in other Programs or Sports: Albertson SC aims to provide each player with the adequate balance between rest and competitive play (periodization). For Premier and Hybrid level teams participation in other competitive level sports is not encouraged but it allowed. The commitment to Albertson SC should be your primary focus though. For Community / Travel level teams participation in other activities and sports is easier and encouraged. 

High School Soccer:Albertson SC recognizes the value of the social development of its players and acknowledges that high school soccer participation may aide in this aspect. We support each family's decision to participate or not participate in high school soccer. For this reason, our U15-U18 teams have a light schedule in AUGUST and have no scheduled required activities in SEPTEMBER. We hope that this affords our high school soccer participants with an opportunity to maintain strong academics. For those who do NOT elect to participate in high school soccer, Albertson SC provides regular training opportunities during the week. 8th graders are encouraged to decline any opportunity to play varsity soccer as the physical demands are too great

Player Code of Conduct:  All player's parents acknowledge that by registering, they have reviewed the player code of conduct with their child has accepted it and will abide by the policy. (https://albertsonsoccer.com/code-of-conduct/)

Enforcement of the Code of Conduct: Albertson SC coaches and managers are responsible for the proper implementation of the Code of Conduct. Violations must be reported to the Albertson SC Disciplinary Committee, who will in their reasonable discretion, determine what discipline is required. 



Emergency Action Plan

IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY at any soccer field where an Albertson SC training session or game is being conducted, the EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN must be implemented immediately. 

  1. CALL 911 If any person (non-player) collapses at the venue, assume it is a Cardiac Arrest Emergency call to 911 immediately.
  4. ALL ACTIVITY ON THE FIELD IS STOPPED UNTIL PERSON REMOVED or directed otherwise by the facility or referees
  5. REPORT THE INCIDENT TO ROBIN LEE AT rlee@albertsonsoccer.com

Do not attempt to move the person unless a qualified rescue or health professional can determine that this can be done without causing further injury.

During inclement weather the patient must be protected from the elements and kept warm by using blankets. Do not attempt to cover someone who appears to have collapsed due to hot weather and may be suffering from heat emergency. DO NO HARM!!

Lighting Policy:
30-30 Lightning Rule: Use the 30-30 rule to determine the threat of lightning in your area. Clear the field if conditions are unsafe. Under no circumstances should you try to 'get the game in' unless the 30-30 guidelines are followed.

Thirty seconds: Count the seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder.  If this time is less than 30 seconds, lightning is still a potential threat. Seek shelter immediately.

Thirty minutes: After the last lightning flash, wait 30 minutes before leaving the shelter. Half of all lightning deaths occur after a storm passes. Stay in a safe area until you are sure the threat has passed.